Frequently Asked Questions
Can’t I do this myself using a common survey tool?
VitalInsight™ is not a simple opinion poll. It is a powerful and complex system that took years to develop and test. It automates the Clinical Practice Model process and contains weighted statements based on education research and algorithms designed to provide accurate and timely data. The Clinical Practice Model, including the processes of observation, diagnosis, prescription, and monitoring, ensures that successful, data-driven decisions are at your fingertips. VitalInsight™ automatically compares stakeholder experiences with education research to provide you with the root causes of underperformance across the district and in each school with research-proven activities and training that will address top priorities.
Are the entries anonymous and how do I know stakeholders aren’t signing in more than once to manipulate the outcomes?
Responses are anonymous. VitalInsight™ is run on a proprietary system that is designed to generate unique links for each individual person that logs on. While these links are anonymous, they do not allow individuals to log on again to add a new set of responses.
Is the data secure and who has access to it?
The VitalInsight™ platform meets Department of Defense (DOD) military-grade security and privacy requirements. You control the use and release of your data and it cannot be accessed by anyone else in your community unless you specifically provide it to them.
How quickly can I access results?
You will have access to real-time data as the responses are provided by stakeholders, and final reports will be available in as little as two business days.
Why is stakeholder engagement important?
District leaders who communicate well with stakeholders tend to enjoy higher levels of respect and support from their community. An opinion survey, alone, will not generate the high-quality data needed to develop successful stakeholder relations. A well-designed, interactive process that is perceived to be inclusive, transparent and fair will facilitate successful relationships that contribute to honest appraisals and support for initiatives. This is achieved when stakeholders remain aware of the process and the value of their contributions to the outcomes. (See Recommended Communications below)
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), enacted by the federal government in 2016, requires stakeholder input in the assessment of programs and initiatives adopted and recommended for implementation in districts and schools. VitalInsight™ provides the evidence needed by school and district leaders to fulfill ESSA requirements in general, special, Title and other education programs.
Importantly, stakeholder groups often believe that their experiences and needs are unique and underserved. VitalInsight™provides the basis to unify stakeholder groups behind a common leadership agenda. Once stakeholders understand their goals and visions are shared by others, they are more likely to invest their time and energy in the solutions developed through VitalInsight™.
Which stakeholder groups should be considered for participation in VitalInsight™?
It is recommended that a broad range of stakeholders be included to secure a full range of experiences in the Interactive Performance Systems. Districts and schools generally involve 6-8 stakeholder groups in the process.
Most commonly, at the district level groups include:
- Board of Education
- Central Administration
- Support Staff
- Community Partners
- Parent Association Leaders
- Advisory Groups and Teams
- Community Based Organizations (i.e. Chamber of Commerce, service organizations, etc.)
- Local Government Officials
- Civic Leaders
At the school level, groups commonly include:
- School administrators
- Teachers
- Support Staff
- Students
- Parents
- Special Education Parents
- Title I Parents
- Community Partner organizations
What communications are recommended to initiate VitalInsight™?
Good communication is important in engaging productive stakeholder participation. VitalInsight™ provides templates that can be personalized and modified to invite and engage stakeholders in the VitalInsight™ process.
- Designation of Stakeholders for Engagement – The district and school leaders are given the choice of stakeholder groups to participate in VI.
- INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE – Explains the purposes for the VitalInsight™ process and its goals and that it will require no more than 30 minutes to complete. The invitation provides the link needed to complete the VitalInsight™ inventory. The invitation thanks each participant for their input and promises to share the results with them at the completion of the process.
- Reminder to Participate – When initial returns are slow from any group, a reminder is available to encourage them to take the time to complete VitalInsight™ in a timely manner.
- REPORT Summary – Provide a brief report describing findings, recognize how stakeholder participation positively affected the process, and introduce how plans will be developed and implemented.
Are the results likely to reflect poorly upon specific individuals?
VitalInsight™ does not evaluate any one individual, department, or group of individuals. Instead, the goal is to measure and improve upon the effectiveness of the 18 Interactive Performance Systems. As former superintendents, we are sensitive to the professional and political challenges faced by those trusted with educating our children.
What are the principal benefits of implementing VitalInsight™?
VitalInsight™ has been designed to:
- Easily engage many stakeholder groups at district and school levels; take advantage of stakeholder experience, insight, and wisdom
- Look beyond symptoms and uncover root causes of performance problems
- Quickly identify areas of performance success
- Quickly identify and address challenges to success
- Clarify misunderstandings among stakeholders and be easily used as meeting agenda topics
- Support the establishment of unity of purpose and action among stakeholders
- Implement recommended best practices that rapidly increase adult and student learning
- Implement large-scale programs more effectively and with better knowledge of potential challenges to success
- Satisfy ESSA reporting and program implementation requirements
Is there evidence of positive impact and efficacy from VitalInsight™ use?
In a case study published by AASA in 2014, a school serving 97% minority and 94% economically disadvantaged students, documented significant improvements. In addition to double digit increases in ELA and Math proficiency scores in each of four consecutive years, higher levels of parent confidence and trust, teacher instructional effectiveness, student engagement, and faculty teamwork were recorded.